4th April 2023

IT Support

Moving IT Provider is Easier Than You Think!

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Is it time to move IT provider?

Many businesses are cautious to switch IT support provider, as they believe that it’s ‘better the devil you know’, and also that the whole process is difficult and risky.

But changing your IT support provider is just like changing any other supplier, such as your energy supplier. If we find a better price or service elsewhere, we change – simple as that.

So what happens if you decide that changing IT providers is a good move and that Somerbys IT is for you? Well, our friendly team is here to help you every step of the way. Here’s what our stress-free 4-step onboarding process looks like:

Our 4-step onboarding process

1. Meeting us

We arrange a chat, so you get a better understanding of our team and business. Once you’re happy, we book in a brief system overview, so we can recommend the correct support package for your needs.

2. Getting to know you

One of our experienced engineers come to visit your business. This allows us not only to understand your IT system, but also to find out exactly how your business works. We’ll then be able to highlight tailored software or practices that will ensure we provide the best ongoing support.

We use comprehensive onboarding documentation, along with IT tools that probe your system to give us a full understanding of your IT infrastructure. Don’t worry, this is easy – we’re IT nurds, after all! :)

After we’ve audited your system in detail, we can finalise and agree on pricing. We then get you all signed up and decide on an appropriate start date, checking when you’re able to exit your existing contract.

3. Understanding your business

With your permission, we contact your existing IT support provider and ask them to complete a simple takeover document. This gives us any final bits of information we may need.

With the onboarding visit and documentation from your existing provider, we now have a full understanding of your IT systems and business process. All of this is documented using our industry-recognised secure IT support software.

4. Moving and supporting

Before the agreed move date, we go through everything we’ve discovered during our onboarding process with the Somerbys IT team, so they are prepped and ready to go.

We then install any appropriate remote monitoring tools, introduce you to your support team, and add you to the support portal. Finally, we send an introduction email to you and the rest of your team, welcoming you aboard and providing any useful information you will need to get the full benefits of Somerbys IT support.

And that’s it, you’re all set up!

Just 4 simple steps to a new IT provider

These four simple steps make switching IT support provider easy and stress-free, allowing Somerbys IT to offer excellent service from day one.

Get in touch

If you’re considering moving IT provider, we’d love to have a chat with you – a non-sales, no-obligation chat – to answer any questions you may have. Simply give us a call or drop us an email and we’ll get back to you straight away.