15th November 2022

IT Support

How IT Improves Efficiency in the Workplace

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IT is central to nearly every business these days. So there’s no way that your business can run efficiently without it. But there’s so much involved in IT and tech these days, it can be hard to be sure that you’re using – and maintaining – the right tools to make sure your business is running as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

To build on our last blog, 5 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your IT, we’re looking at how IT can improve efficiency in the workplace… especially when using a managed service provider (MSP) like, who knows… Somerbys IT! (Shameless plug!)

Let’s take a look…

Limiting downtime… and increasing free time

IT should be ‘always on’ – software, systems, cyber security – they all need to be running constantly… even when you should be at home with your feet up. When problems occur, either you end up spending your free time sorting it out, or it causes downtime during working hours. Either of those scenarios is far from ideal and negatively impacts efficiency and productivity. Let’s face it, you’re not going to be on top of your game the day after you’ve been up till midnight fixing an IT issue.

How Somerbys IT can help

We monitor and maintain your IT structure in the background, 24/7. Not only does this keep everything running at peak performance, but it often detects and fixes issues before you even realise they’ve happened. No more losing valuable hours to pesky problems. You can wake up and get on with your day as normal.

Promoting collaboration

Collaboration is increasingly important in today’s world of hybrid working. For many, the days of walking across the office to ask a quick question or having face-to-face meetings, are gone. Technology is key to enabling efficient communication and collaboration between colleagues, teams and departments.

How Somerbys IT can help

We make sure that you have the right tools, but also that your systems, software and processes are aligned across your whole organisation. This makes communication and collaboration between departments and sites – offices and WFH settings – a cinch.

Keeping you cyber safe

Nothing grinds a business to a screeching halt like a cyber attack. There are many myths that surround cyber security, but the fact is, cyber threats and attacks are very much a reality. Even the savviest people can get caught by them. Putting the correct security measures in place is crucial to protecting your business, but that’s not all. Systems updates need to be carried out effectively to ensure there are no vulnerable areas left that put you at risk, and staff need to be trained properly.

How Somerbys IT can help

We always make cyber security a central point of an IT support plan, putting in the correct systems to protect you as much as possible and give you peace of mind that it is all in hand. And if the worst happens (as no protection is 100% guaranteed), we’re there to minimise damage and help you navigate everything in a painless and efficient way.

Tailoring tech tools to your team

We all need the right tools to be masters of our trade. But for some reason, technology often isn’t seen in the same way. Businesses often make do with outdated systems or machines – more often than not because they don’t have the time or knowledge to find out what would be better.

How Somerbys IT can help

We work right alongside businesses so we know what will work best. While inefficient machines and systems can slow things down, there’s also no point in going for the latest state-of-the-art snazzy setup if it isn’t what your business needs or can afford. Specialist skills and knowledge allow us to find the right balance for your team and business to be able to work as efficiently as possible.

Keeping everything updated

Identifying and investing in the right tech tools for your team doesn’t mean the job is done. Technology progresses at the speed of light, so no sooner have you got everything set up, than a new update comes out that gives you another thing to manage on your IT to-do list. Lack of time means it often gets put off, which effectively slows your business down.

How Somerbys IT can help

Our knowledge and foresight within the industry means we can deal with these situations quickly by recommending the next steps. Here are some of the latest big changes we’ve helped customers with:

  • Migration to the cloud

  • Microsoft Windows 7 reaching end-of-life, making machines unserviceable and unable to be updated

  • The change to Windows 11

  • Navigating Microsoft changing their licenses and prices and figuring out which subscription to go for

If you’re sat there shivering at the thought of the headaches these (or other) things caused you, just imagine if you hadn’t had to do all this! What could you have done with that time?

Why choose Somerbys IT?

Here at Somerbys IT, we’re far from the faceless operation you might associate with IT support. As we say, we bring the human touch to IT. While we make sure everything is running smoothly in the background, we’re very much present and work right alongside you and your team. Local customers get the joy of us popping in to see them, while those further afield can pick up the phone and talk to our team who they know on first-name terms.

What’s more, we’re not just here for the big stuff. Yes, we do all that, but we’re also at the end of the phone for the small stuff – the stuff that could take an hour for one of your team to sort out, but will take us just minutes. This can be anything from not understanding why sound isn’t coming through on a Teams call, to setting up your out-of-office when you go on holiday. No job is too small.

Getting IT support sorted is like oiling your business wheels. Everything will run in a smoother and more efficient way. This makes the job easier and more enjoyable for everyone, and gives business owners the headspace and time needed to scale and grow a more profitable business. Happy days!

If you’d like to know more about how Somerbys IT could help improve efficiency in your workplace, get in touch with our friendly team today.